The MCL-12008 Portable Solar Camping Rechargeable Lights with Mobile Phone Charger is an essential and versatile outdoor gear that combines multiple functions to enhance your camping and other outdoor adventures.
This innovative device features a highly efficient solar panel on its exterior. During the day, it harnesses the power of sunlight, converting it into electrical energy and storing it within its internal battery. The solar panel is designed to be sensitive to various light conditions, even on cloudy or overcast days, it can still capture enough sunlight to charge, albeit at a slower rate. This ensures that you always have a reliable power source at your disposal, regardless of the weather.
The lighting aspect is equally impressive. It emits a bright and clear illumination, typically using energy-efficient LED lights. These LEDs offer different lighting modes, such as a high-intensity mode for when you need maximum visibility around the campsite, like when setting up tents or cooking. There’s also a low-power or ambient mode that creates a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, perfect for sitting around the campfire and sharing stories. The adjustable brightness levels give you the flexibility to customize the light according to your specific needs.
One of the standout features is its built-in mobile phone charger. Equipped with a USB port, it allows you to charge your smartphone, tablet, or other USB-powered devices. This is a game-changer when you’re out in the wilderness and your phone battery is running low. You can keep your communication lines open, use your phone for navigation, or simply capture memorable photos without worrying about battery depletion.
The construction of the MCL-12008 is focused on portability and durability. It is made from lightweight yet sturdy materials, usually a combination of high-quality plastics and shock-absorbent components. This makes it easy to carry in your backpack during hikes or attach to the outside of your camping gear. The compact design also means it doesn’t take up much space in your tent or storage area.
Key Features:
- Efficient Solar Panel: Charges in sunlight, adaptable to various light conditions.
- Multi-mode LED Lighting: High and low intensity modes for different uses.
- Built-in Mobile Phone Charger: Keeps your devices powered up.
- Portable and Durable Design: Easy to carry and built to last.
- Camping: Lights up the campsite and charges devices.
- Hiking: A reliable light and power source during breaks.
- Fishing Trips: Illuminates the fishing area and keeps phone ready for emergencies.
- Backyard Camping: Convenient for home-based outdoor fun.
The solar camping lantern comes with two power options, solar and USB. You can use the Both-Way to recharge it easily using either form of energy!
The indicator light will turn blue when plugged into an outlet or if left unattended while charging during daylight hours – this means that your battery is fully charged without any risk for overcharge due too shorter than 3-5 hrs on average depending upon environmental factors such as sunlight exposure etc.
The Multi-functional camping light has 5 lighting modes (strong light, medium brightness) to illuminate your whole tent or room easily.
の 360 degree darkness can be penetrate in the most stormy and darkest night with its powerful battery life of 6 hours on strong mode and 12 hrs when weakly lit up!
- 5 LIGHTING MODES – Whether you need a high, medium, low, strobe, or SOS light mode while camping, this solar camping light has you covered.
- SOLAR CHARGING & HOOKS – Keep your solar camping light powered up and ready to go with the included solar panel. The light also includes hooks for easy hanging.
- LIGHTWEIGHT & PORTABLE – Weighing in at only 175g this solar camping light is easy to take with you on your next camping trip.
- 2400MAH POWER BANK – In addition to being a powerful solar camping light, this device can also act as a 2400mAh power bank for charging your devices.
Item no. | MCL-12008 |
LED light source | 24leds |
Material | PC |
Battery | 18650*2(1200mAh) total2400mAh |
Product size | 120*90mm |
Mode | High light、middle light、low light、strobe、SOS |
Voltage | 3.7V-4.2V |
Brightness: | 600lm |
家, outdoor , キャンプ , ハイキング
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